Modesty Panels Walmart


Walmart literally sells everything so it’s no surprise if you’re looking for something to cover your cleavage that you search modesty panels Walmart. And perhaps I am biased but I think modesty panels are the best solution to cover your cleavage in low cut clothing


However, if you have tried some modesty panels you may have already discovered that not all of them are made so well. I also have tried a fair few over the years. I have found that some of them can be just a bit too small for our busts. Some look and even feel quite cheap. And others may just have too much lace for our personal preference. It does seem that many are often made with no real thought behind the woman wearing them. Neither is much thought given to the overal aesthetic. And that is not to blame any manufacturers but for some its just not a priority product.


Modesty Panels are our best sellers.


However, although for some modesty panels are not so important for us at Sweetpea and Marmalade they are our priority. And our best sellers! After struggling to find quality modesty panels on the market I decided to make my own. You could say I felt compelled. Like some of you I really needed another solution aside form wearing a vest to cover up.


That is why in 2020 I began designing and selling my own modesty panels! Throughout this venture is when I discovered that many women were also equally frustrated with the current ones available. The strong positive feedback from customers made me realise the value of this accessory for some of us. They also appreciated my heart for modesty behind the designs. Especially in a world where most tops are designed to reveal the cleavage.

A lot of women as mentioned in our customer feedback on our site are truly pleased with the quality of the fabric, our style and colour options and the overall size. With this encouragement I have continued to make more.


Shop Modesty Panels 


Just like with our other fashion purchases we want to buy quality pieces and feel beautiful. Our modesty panel sales have demonstrated there are lots of women like me who want to invest in having luxury modesty panels to compliment their existing wardrobe.

So if you are looking for modesty panels Walmart then you will find some there. But if you are looking for quality modesty panels made by a woman who is passionate about them then check out our product page at I am sure you won’t be dissappointed! And as for shipping we regularly ship to the United States and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Quite simply because we truly want to ensure you have some quality modesty panels in your wardrobe! We know how important they are. 


Lastly please feel free to read our customer feedback to see why we are the favourite brand in this modest market.





Founder and CEO of Sweetpea & Marmalade